Nutcracker is so important to me because it helps me grow so much as a dancer but also just as a human and it gives me so much personal experience and confidence to connect with people everywhere, it also is super fun and spirited and it’s such a good feeling preparing and performing the nutcracker.
My most memorable nutcracker experience was my first year of Nutcracker. I was 7 or 8 and was snowdust and a candy cane when it was an acrobatic role. I remember being so excited to go onstage and dance with all the big girls. I remember watching Norah (a MPBT Graduate- now majoring in dance and physical therapy at University of Arizona) as Snow Queen and wanting to be just like her. Paige and I were best friends at the time and she was doing my lipstick and makeup for me before I went onstage for snow scene. She was the best at it and I will always remember those little moments!
Something I am really looking forward to this year is performing as dew drop lead with one of my best friends. I think it will be so much fun and this role will make us both grow so much as dancers and friends!
One piece of advice I would give to a younger dancer is to just be happy where you are at this moment. I remember comparing myself to others a lot of times and once I got older I achieved some of the goals I wanted to achieve. It really just takes a matter of time and it’s all personal too; you can’t compare yourself to others because there’s only one of you and your experience will be super different from others so enjoy it while it lasts!